Seo Won-mi graduated from the Department of Fine Arts at Sungkyunkwan University and currently resides and works in Seoul. Her works are divided into three series, which explore memories, anxiety, and trauma through individual experiences, social experiences, and psychological landscapes, expressed through pictorial language. Her artwork has been exhibited at various prestigious institutions, including the Kumho Museum of Art and Sejong Museum of Art in Seoul, the Wausau Museum of Contemporary Art in Wisconsin, USA, and the Seoul Art Foundation. In 2018, she was selected for the Chongkundang Fine Arts Prize and the SDU Art Prize. She was also a 15th resident artist at Kumho Art Studio, Kumho Museum of Art, where she worked from 2019 to 2021.
Born in Seoul
Lives and works in Seoul, Republic of Korea
2017 Bachelor of Fine Arts, SUNGKYUNKWAN UNIVERSITY, Republic of Korea
Solo Exhibitions
2024 Talk Without Words, Artertain, Seoul
2023 Cowboy Whistle, LaHeen, Seoul
2022 When You Stop It, PIPE Gallery, Seoul
2021 Rule, Role, Ruin, Artertain, Seoul
2019 The Black Curtain, Artbit Gallery, Seoul
2017 Facing, ArtSpace Boan1942, Seoul
Selected Group Exhibitions
2024 The time when Painting and Life dance, Sejong Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea
Our Original Face, LaHeen, Seoul, Korea
2023 Total Support 2023, Total Museum, Seoul, Korea
Love Letter to Peaceful Beauty, Yeongang Gallery, DMZ, Yeoncheon, Korea
Drawings in the World, Hongcheon Art Museum,Gangwondo, Korea
2022 Forest in May, Posco art Museum, Seoul, Korea
Hi-story.gif, Zaha Museum, Seoul, Korea
The Encounter of Nostos and Imagination, LaHeen, Seoul, Korea
2021 In to the Unkown, PlaceMak2, Seoul, Korea
Where All Places Are, Kumho Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea
Morning Dew, Seoul Arts Center Hangaram Museum, Seoul, Korea
2020 7th ChongKunDang Fine Arts Prize, Sejong Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea
The Other Night, Kumho Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea
2019 EAPAP 2019 : Island Song, JEJU 4·3 PEACE FOUNDATION, Jeju Island, Korea
Time of Painting, Sejong Art Museum, Seoul
International Biennial Portrait Competition, Wausau Museum of Contemporary Art, Wisconsin, US
Young and Young, Youngeun Museum, Gyeonggi-do, Korea
2018 Asia Contemporary Art Show, Conrad, HongKong
SDU Art Prize, Topohaus, Seoul, Korea
2017 Another Point of Sight, Seoul Art Foundation, Seoul, Korea
木茶: a short story of spring and summer, Art space Boan1942, Seoul, Korea
WHITE TABLE Artist guild, SeMA Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea
2016 Face, face, Sungkyungwan University Museum, Seoul, Korea
Unlimited Eddition 8, Ilmin Museum, Seoul, Korea
LIGHT MY FIRE ,Gyeonggi Cultural Foundation Art warehouse, Gyeonggi-do, Korea
2016 SeMA Artist Guild:SeMA storage showcase, SeMA Storage, Seoul, Korea
Grants / Prizes
2019 International Biennial Portrait Competition, Wausau Museum of Contemporary Art
2018 Seoul Foundation for Arts and Culture
Chongkundang Fine Arts Prize
SDU Art Prize
2017 Seoul Art Foundation 'Selected Artist'
Seoul Foundation for Arts and Culture 'Creative Support'
2016 SeMA Seoul Museum of Art Artist Guild:SeMA storage showcase-DOPA, SeMA Storage
2023 <Cowboy Whistle> LaHeen
2016 <WM> P Company Publishing
2019-21 Kumho Art Studio 15th Resident Artist, Kumho Museum of Art
2022 <The Life of an Artist>, Cente Culturel Coreen, Paris
2024 《말 없는 말》, 아터테인, 서울
2023 《카우보이 휘슬》, 라흰 갤러리, 서울
2022 《당신이 말을 멈추면》, 파이프 갤러리, 서울
2021 《Rule, Role, Ruin》, 아터테인, 서울
2019 《블랙 커튼》, 아트비트 갤러리, 서울
2017 《Facing》, 보안여관 신관, 서울
2024 《회화와 삶이 춤추는 시간》, 세종문화회관 미술관, 서울
《Our Original Face》, 라흰 갤러리, 서울
2023 《Total Support 2023》, 토탈미술관, 서울
《AP6: SIGN》, 미메시스 아트 뮤지엄, 파주
《Love Letter to Peaceful Beauty》, 연강갤러리, DMZ, 연천
《세상의 모든 드로잉》, 홍천미술관, 강원도
2022 《오월의 숲》, 포스코미술관, 서울
《Hi-story.gif 》, 자하미술관, 서울
《노스토스와 상상의 조우》, 라흰갤러리, 서울
2021 《불완성 In to the Unknown》, 플레이스막 2, 서울
《하나의 점 모든 장소》, 금호미술관, 서울
《아침이슬 50 년》, 예술의전당 한가람 미술관, 서울
2020 《제7회 종근당 예술지상》, 세종문화회관 미술관, 서울
《또 다른 밤》, 금호미술관, 서울
2019 《동아시아 평화 예술 프로젝트 2019: 섬의노래》, 제주 4.3평화 기념관, 제주
《여순평화예술제:손가락 총》, 순천대학교 박물관, 순천
《회화의 시간》, 세종미술관, 서울
《International Biennial Portrait Competition》, 워소현대미술관, 위스콘신
《영 앤 영》, 영은미술관, 서울
2018 《Asia Contemporary Art Show》, 콘래드, 홍콩
《서울디지털대학교 미술상 선정작가전》, 토포하우스, 서울
2017 《또 다른 시선》, 서울예술재단, 서울
《목차:봄, 여름 단편》, 보안여관, 서울
《WHITE TABLE Artist guild》,서울시립 북서울미술관, 서울
2016 《얼굴, 맞서다》, 성균관대학교 박물관, 서울
《Unlimited Edition8》, 일민 미술관, 서울
《LIGHT MY FIRE》, 경기문화재단 경기청년문화창작소 미술창고, 경기도
《SeMA 2016 예술가 길드 쇼케이스》, SeMA창고, 서울
공모 및 수상
2019 Wausau Museum of Contemporary Art (IBPC) 선정작가
2018 서울문화재단 청년예술지원 선정
종근당 예술지상
서울디지털대학교 미술상 선정작가
2017 서울예술재단 포트폴리오 박람회 선정작가
서울문화재단 예술작품지원 개인전 선정
2023 <Cowboy Whistle> Laheen
2016 <WM> P Company Publishing
2019-21 금호창작스튜디오 15기 입주작가
2022 <The Life of an Artist> 주프랑스 한국문화원, 파리